healing for women
release shame. rewrite your inner narrative. existential healing for women.
shame, fear, pain, anxiety, stress, insomnia, anger, digestive troubles, irritability, low libido, fear of taking up space, inability to be heard - let’s find the root and free you to reclaim loving your own body.
has someone treated you inappropriately? violated your body, making ripples in how you see yourself? don’t even think of it as trauma because it wasn’t rape? traumatic birth?
do you want to heal from birth trauma, sexual trauma, abuse, or anything that makes a disconnect within yourself? do you avoid intimacy because of tension, fear, shame or pain? did something happen long and forgotten ago that was never dealt with?
have you been to providers but no one can figure out what’s wrong? or why you have pain? are you frustrated with the medical system that doesn’t address your emotional or even spiritual health? are you happy with taking pills that don’t really work?
do you want to heal and enjoy your body, enjoy your sexual dimension? are you afraid to open yourself to others? do you enjoy sex and orgasms? would you like to?
free yourself, reclaim loving your own body.
trauma release sessions (Trauma Resiliency Method and EMDR)
The body holds onto even minor trauma (birth, sexual, emotional abuse) which imprints onto us and manifests as discord in our bodies - shame, fear, pain, anxiety, tension, insomnia, anger, digestive troubles, irritability, low libido, hesitancy to embrace life fully. Long term, it leads to chronic somatic concerns, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and endocrine dysregulation around reproductive health. Triggers hit repeat and the loop cycles, until we get unstuck.
Break the fear - tension - pain cycle to release tension held within your body, especially gynecological. Join me in connecting with your body using heart centered mindfulness, hypnotherapeutic techniques, the vagal nerve, primitive brain pathways, theta brain waves, and gynovisceral manipulation for somatic integration and release of tension - your body’s response to shame, pain, trauma, and fear. I can gently guide reproductive organs back to their home position by manipulating ligaments, fascia, and muscles as necessary to restore optimal function.
This may also release adhesions and tight scar tissue in the pelvic floor tissue, address underlying pathology around reproductive health including inflammation, autoimmune, and endocrine dysregulation, support a healthy menstrual cycle in women and help with gynecological issues, which may enhance fertility, and allow you to open to sex, faciliate your body enjoying intimacy and orgasm.
pain and trauma
We all have trauma. Trauma happens when our boundaries are disrespected and we can’t integrate that moment; small transgressions can be held onto by the body, which tries to protect us by burying the trauma but it ends up stuck within us and our primordial psyche, peeking out through vaginismus, pelvic pain, interstitial cystitis, and the long list of physical issues there doesn’t seem to be a magic pill for. Trauma can include birth, being touched in ways you shouldn’t have been, pregnancy loss, postpartum depression, rape, molestation, shaming, and a gamut of others that induce fear, shame, guilt, pain, morphing into disassociation from our bodies, anxiety, depression, addictions, poor boundaries, unhealthy relationships with food, our bodies, lives, intimate relationships.
Trauma pulls us from our present moment and throws us into a repetitive loop, discoloring our ability to feel connected and intimate, cycling throughout life until we release it from our body. Trauma also gives us an opportunity to grow our power, deepen empathy, and learn how to release fear - the true root of all our negative emotions. Let me help you release this from your body, to more fully enjoy life.
What to expect?
GeorgAnna’s goal has always been to empower women on their journey of womanhood.
First, we do a thorough exam to address any underlying issues causing your concerns. In our sessions, you don’t have to tell me about your specific traumas, you don’t have to relive it. We will gradually (at your pace, respecting your limits) release its residue from your body and uterus, the root of all life for humanity, where life is born, make space for you to release fear and pain, freeing your energy to nourish a deeper ability to open, connect, feel, and be present to the beauty of your life. We work together to gently help you in your healing journey as it intersects your intimate healthcare needs.
I will do a thorough intake, evaluation, and physical assessment to diagnose or rule out any treatable underlying conditions, creating a treatment plan as necessary.
We will use mindfulness and hypnotherapeutic techniques combined with feeling sensations and breath.
multiple modalities are utilized to facilitate you relaxing into theta brain wave state, engage your limbic system, stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system (primarily your vagal nerve) to calm your body, release oxytocin (see below) to feel safe, connected, and nurtured, overall with one goal: to release.
Let your body shed fear, emerge from your cocoon, feel. Be fully present in supporting your growth. Step into your power.
I will give you a safe space for you to discharge the energy by laughing, crying, singing, moaning, breathing, or moving your body.
We will review ways to practice at home, taking advantage of the neuroplasticity of your brain, and discuss any other relevant holistic offerings.
Growth tends to be uncomfortable.
Healing is progressive once the door is opened, the integration phase can be intense yet deeply healing. I encourage you to have visits with your counselor after our session. You may feel your emotions are stirred up in the days after our session, like a window opened to let a warm breeze in. Take this time to do self care, release what no longer serves you, nourish yourself - journal, exercise, take a bath, sing, laugh, cry, walk, feel the sun on your skin, the grass under your feet, make eye contact with someone, hug someone, plant a tree, pet an animal, connect with those around you, reach out to create a network of support. These all release oxytocin, the shy molecule of love and connection, which is the goal [link is below] . Get in touch with your own body, explore its beauty, enjoy it. Own it.
Feel free to schedule aftercare sessions as part of your integration journey.
Nourish your uterus, where creation happens. Your root, tapping you into the entire lineage of mothers, the home of our root chakra and our babies.
Come back to your natural state of self love -
heal yourself and increase your capacity to fully embrace life.
scientific underpinnings
The autonomic nervous system includes the sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system (the vagal nerve innervation of the cervix is my favorite) and the enteric nervous system. It kicks in when we face any stress to handle the situation and then calm ourselves back down. Designed to be self-regulating, when chronically stressed it turns into an angsty teenager and wreaks havoc on our bodies, especially when response to trauma is repressed, manifesting as anxiety, depression, shame, pain, insomnia, hormone imbalance, autoimmune disorders, and a huge list of others. Not surprisingly, female parasympathetic response and innervation is key to arousal, shutting down under stress.
I love hard science, so if you’d like, click here for more.
“Research on nervous, endocrine, and immune interactions has revealed that these systems are anatomically and functionally interconnected (11–13). Stressors, such as infections, toxins, and/or psychological trauma, stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to release corticoid-releasing hormone (CRH), resulting in elevated systemic levels of corticosteroids, such as glucocorticoids. Acute stress initially may increase inflammation through acute-phase mediators like IL-1, IL-6, and CRP that are eventually downregulated by glucocorticoids thereby maintaining homeostasis (46). Chronic stress has the opposite effect and decreases glucocorticoid levels. A recent epidemiologic study confirmed the link between childhood abuse and long-term changes in immune response (36); in this longitudinal study, childhood abuse was associated with elevated CRP levels, white blood cell counts, and other markers of inflammation 20 years later (36).”
The stress response in men is “flight or fright”, but for women it is “tend and befriend” . The neurochemical female stress response also shuts down oxytocin release. Oxytocin, the “love hormone”, is a a shy neurotransmitter released in peak flow states, such as childbirth, breastfeeding, and orgasm (we can get to brain waves during birth as altered states later). It is also released when you kiss your child, hug your friend, pet your cat, hold hands, think of someone you love. It fills us with a sense of intimacy, empathy, trust, and fosters relationship. It is our neurochemical root of attachment, bonding, connection, feeling secure. However, oxytocin is shy and easily blocked by adrenaline, and stress hormones. Chronic stress, including residue from old traumas, shut down oxytocin release. We can heal this by touch, and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system via the vagal nerve. (I haven’t even gotten into discussing eliciting certain brain wave frequencies for healing!). Lets dissolve these blocks, nurture and support you. Lets connect.